Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Born pretty store accessories

Hi girls! Here I am with a little post for you about this wonderful online shop: 
BORN PRETTY STORE . I've to say that to choose only few things among their wide range of money was hard to me but I got it and I chose a wonderful bodychain in perfect Beyoncè style and some rings.

If you want to buy something you can  use the coupon code DDET10! 


Friday, May 2, 2014


Dopo una lunghiiiissima pausa eccomi di nuovo a bloggare, grazie all'aiuto di Giulia e Marta di All you can wear . 
Questo di oggi è un outfit che spero riuscirò a sfruttare tantissimo quest'estate, adoro il contrasto tra il completo molto femminile e le Nike Air Force, voi che ne pensate? 

After a loooong pause here I am with a new post, thanks to Marta&Giulia's ( All you can wearhelp. 
Today I show you an outfit I hope to wear various times this summer, I love the contrast between the womanliness of the clothes and the Nike Air Force shoes. And you? What do you think about this outfit?